AREC Board Members for 2024/25

Committee Chairs

All members are invited to participate in the committees and to attend the Board Meetings in order to make AREC the club that our members want it to be!
AREC Primary Board of Directors Roles and Responsibilities
The Club President is the Chief Executive Officer and is responsible for fulfilling the mission of the club. The president presides at meetings of the club and the Board; appoints committees and has general supervision of the operation of the club.
When necessary, the president will act as the public face of the club in representing the club at local and regional events. The president serves as a point of contact for outside groups who propose any programs that request the participation of the club in community events, volunteer programs, races and any other clubs that have as their objectives the same goals as those described in the club’s mission statement.
Provides helpful and supportive leadership for all club activities. Motivates and facilitates as required.
Vice President
The Club Vice President assists the President in the administration of his roles and responsibilities and assumes the responsibilities of the president in his or her absence.
The Secretary maintains all club records, manages club files, handles all club correspondence and takes the minutes at each club meeting.
The Treasurer is responsible for club financial policies, procedures and controls. The treasurer receives and distributes, with the approval of the club, all club funds. The treasurer oversees the club budget, collects membership dues and pays any bills incurred by the club. The treasure keeps an accurate account of all transactions and prepares and presents periodic financial reports to the club’s Board of Directors.
Club Information Officer
The Club Information Officer is responsible for maintaining all club records with regard to membership and members, and also manages the membership database. This information is collected both from online collection and in-person collection. The CIO maintains a database of member accomplishments and tracks member participation in running events for the purposes of reporting progress towards the achievement of annual awards and recognition.
The CIO is responsible for the timely publishing and distribution of the monthly newsletter.
The CIO works closely with the Secretary to ensure all new members receive all club communications and that they are enrolled in all club programs.
Secondary Board Positions—Committees and Chairs
Marathon Training Program
Trail Training Program
Water Station Coordinator
Social Committee
Membership Committee
Social Media Team