If achieving your goals of being more active and finishing a 5k (3.1 miles) is worth an hour of your time on Saturday mornings, then A Running Experience Club (AREC) will get you to the finish line!
AREC will supply the motivation, camaraderie and experienced leadership in a fun group setting to help you lace up those shoes and get moving. We’ll provide the tools, you provide the commitment. This can be your first step towards that healthy, more active lifestyle that you desire. Our goal is to have you succeed. And with this program, you will! So let’s get started…
Program details:
Start date: Program 1: January 25, 2025
All runs start promptly At 7:00 am at the tent in front of San Pedro Fish Market 6550 E Marina Dr. Long Beach
Goal Race: Discount Code will be provided to participants. Program 1: Run Seal Beach on 4/05/25
Cost: $35 for the training
(Program free to current AREC members)
Couch-to-5k participants will receive membership in AREC (Jan-Dec), including a club shirt, monthly newsletter, social events, year-round running opportunities, and the 11-week 5k training schedule.

Couch to 5K Graduates at 2017 Run Like It’s Recess